Sims Advertising receives many unique and interesting requests over the course of a year. Green For Life recently asked us to help develop a car wrap for a race car they had sponsored. This project was more than just simple design – it involved some strategy as well. We were challenged to think outside the GFL brand guidelines box – but not too far outside.
The creative team here at Sims fastened their seatbelts and took a spin around the track in a strategy session – exploring ways to meet GFL’s unique request. This session produced a number of ideas and allowed the design team to begin exploring options. In the end, GFL had several unique, eye-catching designs to choose from. They were happy with the choices and ultimately landed on a final design.
This project was done on a quick timeline – allowing GFL to take advantage of their opportunity. What made the process efficient was the strategic approach the creative team used to complete the project. Bringing strategic thinking to major projects enables Sims to be a valuable partner to their clients. It also ensures better results.